Home: Stevenson Instrumental Music Program
Stevenson High School Instrumental Music Program :
Sterling Heights, Michigan USA
Students! Be part of our band program: join.stevensonbands.org
Click on the links above to read details, or click here for all news articles on one page
Upcoming Due Dates: |
Mon Feb. 3: | Pay for CMU Jazz Weekend |
Until they're gone | Purchase Marching Band Lawn Signs |
Quick Links: |
→ Band & Orchestra Festival Volunteer Signup |
→ Apparel Store / Merchandise Shop |
→ 2024-25 Volunteer Background Check Form (pdf) |
Upcoming Activities & Events: |
Wed Feb 5: Gonda Auditions, 3-5 PM @ Utica HS | Thu Feb 13: Cluster Concert, time TBA |
Wed Feb 5: Jazz Concert, 7PM | M 2/17 - F 2/21: Mid-Winter Break, no school |
Th 2/6 - F 2/7: CMU Jazz Weekend | Tue 2/18: Chick-Fil-A Restaurant Fundraiser |
Mon Feb 10: Band Booster Meeting, 7PM | Th 2/27 - Sa 3/1: MS B&O Festival |
Tue Feb 11: Concert Band Pre-Festival Concert, 7 PM | Th 3/6 - Sa 3/8: HS B&O Festival |
Instrumental Music Calendar:
The Stevenson Instrumental Music Program uses the Band messaging app to quickly share information with students and parents.
Current Instrumental Music students/parents (only), please sign up to receive Band notifications to keep up to date with the latest information - click here or the Band app logo for instructions.
Attention Kroger shoppers!
You can support the Stevenson Bands by selecting the Stevenson Band Boosters as your designated charity in Kroger Community Rewards. A portion of your purchases when using your Kroger Plus card is donated to the Boosters to benefit all Instrumental Music Students.
Click here or on the Kroger logo for info on how to get setup!